Learning in Sakinah

Sakinah Circle aims to nurture five critical attributes. We strive to be intentional, responsible, respectful, reflective, and real throughout the school community.

Qur’anic Worldview Three fundamentals of the Qur’anic worldview are: Tawhid, Risala, and Ma’ad, that is, the Unicity of the Creator, Prophethood, and the Return of all existent beings to Him, Who created them.
Sakinah Circle infuses the fundamental beliefs of Tawhid, Risala, and Ma’ad in the core of its delivery of Alberta program of studies.
Nature focused

The Qur’an reminds us to reflect on the “signs” of the natural world. We try to bring nature focus to our learning wherever possible, to increase each child’s connection to the cosmos and to nurture awe in creation.

Historically rooted

We want each child to identify with her or his own historical roots, find role models in Islamic history, and learn about Islamic civilization and tradition. Finding our meaningful place on the timeline of history provides connection to the past, our present, and looking to the future in the next life.


We all need quiet moments to recognize the wonders of nature and cultivate deep spiritual connections. We value daily outdoor activities to learn and play, during school time and also at home. Not only do outdoor experiences in natural places help children really learn about nature in nature, the benefits of having deep connections to nature improves our lives in many other aspects.


We strive to become khalifah. Service to others and experiences in stewardship are fundamental to becoming a compassionate human being with a conscious heart. We encourage good deeds and intentionally seek opportunities for service.

Profile of a Sakinah student

Thematic Learning

Thematic learning is an approach to learning that helps students make connections between what they are learning by infusing a unified vision of education rooted in the philosophy of education derived from the Qur’an.