In the relationship between home and school, parents are considered to be key facilitators in the learning journey, aligned with the vision and values of the program.
Parents seeking enrolment for their child(ren) sign a commitment of their support for the vision, mission and integrated objectives of the program
founding document approved by the Board of Trustees, Edmonton Public Schools on March 23, 2010
The Sakinah Circle application form includes the following commitments:
- I consider school attendance to be important and, except for illness or emergency, I will make sure my child is present in school. I recognize that if my child is not present by the last instructional day in September, he or she may lose their place in the program.
- I will ensure my child arrives for daily morning assembly promptly at 8:20 a.m.
- I will teach my child the etiquettes of wudu and salah at home in order to meaningfully participate in salah during school time.
- I will model and teach my child adab and good manners.
- I will send healthy and wholesome food for my child to school. I know that highly processed snacks and sugary drinks are strongly discouraged at Sakinah.
- I will ensure my child comes to school well rested and dressed in clean and modest clothing which is appropriate for salah. I will emphasize good personal hygiene at home.
- I will ensure that, as a family, we play outside and explore nature to connect with Divine creation.
- I will monitor and limit my child’s screen time on devices at home and ensure that electronic devices are not taken to school.
- I will make sure that my child is suitably dressed for the weather and understand that everyone goes outdoors for recess. We have indoor recess when the temperature falls below -23 degrees Celsius.
- I understand that my child attends the modified Music class in Sakinah Circle.
- I will strive to be actively involved in the Sakinah Circle community, attend Sakinah events and try to volunteer at least twice during the school year.