
Initiatives to Align the Sakinah Circle Program

Sept – Dec 2006             Initial Exploratory Meetings with Maureen Crawford and Ron Bradley (principal, Argyll Centre for Home Learning)

Dec 2006                        Meeting at Argyll to gauge community response – 300 people attended

April-May 2007               Doorways Project confirms community interest

2007 -2008                      Home School Enrichment Program at Argyll Center for Home Learning

2008-2010                       Pilot Project for Sakinah Circle

Monthly meetings at Centre for Ed to establish an alternative program, with Gloria Chalmers and her team of EPSB personnel and SC group (Elma, Lena, Mariam, Hassan). During these months, curriculum documents were developed by Elma Harder along with Mary Jane Arthur, under direction of Sandy Forester (Curriculum and Development)

March 23, 2010             Board of Trustees approval of the alternative program

April 27, 2010                Initial Alignment Meeting between GM and MEF (Dean Caouette (principal), Tracy (GM Curriculum Coordinator), Dr. Muzaffar, Hassan, Mohammad Ali, Shahana, Elma

Sept 15, 2010                 Program Alignment Meeting with Ron McLean and Tanni Parker (assistant superintendents), Sandy Forester (Curriculum), Elisa Grave (Policy), Dean Caouette (principal), Tracy (GM Curriculum Coordinator), Shahana, Hassan, Elma

Dec.6, 2010                    GM full staff meeting with Tanni Parker, Ron McNeil, Bonnie Zack             

May 4, 2011                    Memorandum of Understanding between MEF and SS

Feb/March 2012            GM Staff Alignment Meetings “Spiraling up together”

                                       Farooq Maseehuddin hired by MEF for resource development

SC Two-Year Resource Development Plan by Farooq, Glen Wilcox (principal)

Jan. 13, 2013                   MEF meeting “Focus on the Integrity of Sakinah Circle”

2013, 2014                      Groundwork for new site at Donnan School for 2014-15

July 17, 2014                  Alignment Transition Meeting with Glen Wilcox, Lon McMullen, Hassan, Mohammad Ali, Zahid Ally, Elma Harder

Spring 2014                     Discussions for “Mutual Commons”

Spring 2017                     Initiated work on “Request to Amend Alternative Program”

June 2-17                       Meeting at Centre for Education with Valerie Leclerc, Lon McMullen (principal), Hassan, Muzaffar, Maleeha, Siraj, Elma

2018                               SC Review-Renewal: 3-Year Plan document by Shahana, Dale Cooper (principal)

2019                                 Internal Review, Internal Critique

June 24, 2019                  Sakinah Teacher PD “Roots of Sakinah”

2020-2021                       Covid “shutdown”