Infusing the Qur’anic Worldview through Thematic learning in Sakinah Circle
Thematic learning in Sakinah Circle integrates the Qur’anic worldview in all subject areas and provides a platform to bring grade levels together. Our theme topics are important concepts drawn from the Qur’an. They are multi-faceted concepts that can connect to our learning and contribute to the way we think and how we perceive the world.
In planning every theme, teachers explore how the topic is presented in the Qur’an and how it informs our worldview. With this background, we then identify the many curriculum connections and plan an integrated learning experience. The intent is to engage in meaningful learning with enduring Qur’anic understanding. We seek ways to explore each theme with a focus on nature, find roots in history and tradition, and through opportunities of service.
It is possible to teach all subjects through a school-wide theme; this integrates learning across grades and this umberla approach brings a unified structure of learning for the school year. A poster is created for the yearly; it depicts the concept and its components and graphically projects thematic links between the theme of the year and various subjects and the inherent Qur’anic worldview.


The Garden



The Traveler


The Skies

Exploration & Inventions